Dry Evaporator (Rapid Evaporation System)

Dry Evaporators are used to remove the solvent for sample preparation when sample are in large volume and solvent can not be removed using concentrator. Labconco RapidVap Evaporation System uses combination of dry block heat, vortex motion, Vacuum/Nitrogen blowdown to reduce sample to dryness or endpoint volume.

Nitrogen Dry Evaporation System:
Nitrogen Dry Evaporation System uses Nitrogen Blow down, vortex motion and heat to remove the sample to dryness. Here a stream of Nitrogen gas is directed onto the surface of the sample. Nitrogen blow down can reduce the partial pressure directly over the liquid to speed evaporation and helps remove the solvent as it evaporates. These system requires a RapidVap with accessories and continuous source of Nitrogen (Either from N2 Cylinder of N2 Gas generater).

Vacuum Dry Evaporation System:
Vacuum Dry Evaporation system uses vacuum along with heat and vortex motion to help speed evaporation. Heat is supplied by a dry block heating system under vacuum. These system require a RapidVap with accessories and a Vacuum Pump. If solvent need to be collected then a cold trap of -500C/-800C/-1050C depending upon the nature of solvent can be integrated inbetween.

Unique Features:

  • Rapid evaporation speed with maximum sample recovery against conventional RotaVap System.
  • Microprocessor based heat, Vacuum/Nitrogen blow and motion control.
  • Heating upto 1000C.
  • PTFE coated inner chamber in case of Corrosive chemicals.
  • Range of rotors to work with one to multiply type of sample simultaneously.
  • Various safety measure likw Phenol free gasket as well as vacuum release valve and audible alarm available.
  • Dry block for heating unlike water bath to avoid any contamination.

These system are ideal for preparation of samples in application like Agrochemistry, Mycology testing, Drug Discovery and Environmental Analysis. These are very suitable system for broad range of aggressive chemicals.

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